Friday, September 12, 2008

The final plans call for a new school complex that will include classrooms for grades and self-contained special needs. Roman Girls Nursing College will provide 20 general classrooms and 6 additional classrooms for music, art, and physical Education (P.E). The new building will also provide a library media center and a computer classroom. When the new facility opens in September of 2002,State-of-the-art education technology will be available to students, including computers and television monitors in the school with cable TV and Internet access.

There will also be an internal LAN (local area network) and video network throughout the building but its under-construction.The new school will house a café-thorium that will seat approximately 355 students for lunch and over 400 people when used as an auditorium. A platform stage will allow the school to present theatre productions and musical events. The café-thorium will be located adjacent to the new Pula Park near Suame main entry into the building. The new facility will also include a regulation, full-sized, 600 square foot gymnasium.

The first level of the gymnasium is actually designed to be "built-into" the large slope that currently exists on the Mampong Street side of the building. There will be at-grade access into the second level of the building from Mampong Street. The new facility will also include a regulation, full-sized, 600 square foot gymnasium. The first level of the gymnasium is actually designed to be "built-into" the large slope that currently exists on the Mampong Street side of the building. There will be at-grade access into the second level of the building from Mampong Street